Pildil tundub tekk natuke vildakas, aga tegelikult on ikka kõik küljed ühepikkused, 125cm.
Tegin mustrisse ka mõningaid muudatusi. Esiteks, kuigi seda juhendis kirjas pole, soovitan tükid enne kokkuõmblemist äravenitada. Vastasel juhul teed vaid endale tööd juurde, sest õmblus ei veni ja ja tulemus ei jää ilus.
Teiseks, ringselt kuduma hakates peaks igast servast üles korjama ebaloogiliselt suure arvu silmuseid. Ma ei saa aru, kuidas see serv tal lokkima ei jäänud. Katsetasin erinevaid variante ja minul jäi kõige parem tulemus nii, kui tõmbasin ääretükkide mahakootud rea üles, korjasin silmused otse vardale ja nurka ning keskele kasvatasin lihtsalt juurde. Edasi kududes kasvatasin igas nurgas 2 silmust juurde.
Äärepalmik on otse külge kootud ning mustri leiab Great American Aran Afghani raamatust. Järgneb ripskoes serv ja maha kudusin I-cordiga. Nii on serv tugevam ja korrektsem.
There is gorgeous baby blanket in Knitty First Fall 2015 issue, Dunfallandy Baby Blanket. I don't need any baby blankets right now but the cabled center was very attractive. So, I decided to use it for a decorative pillow case but as there was lots of yarn, changed my mind while knitting and made it to blanket after all. Yarn is Plymouth Encore (75% akryl, 25% wool) and leftover from this blanket. I still have 1.5 skeins left. Needle was 5mm.
The blanket looks a bit uneven on picture but all four sides are 50".
I also made same changes to the pattern. First, although it is not mentioned, block the pieces before sewing them together. You will save yourself some trouble later as the seams don't stretch and the result doesn't look nice.
Second, I really don't understand how she could pick up so many stitches on each side without getting ruffles. I tried many versions but got best results when I pulled up the cast off rows and picked the stitches up plus adding some to the corners and center. While knitting in circle, increased 8 stitches (2 on each corner) on every second row.
The cabled border is attached to the main part while knitting it, the pattern is from book Great American Aran Afghan. I used i-cord cast off.
Tänud läbiastumast!
Thank you for reading!
Väga kaunis ja suur töö.
VastaKustutaUhke tekk!
VastaKustutaTõeliselt ilus!
VastaKustutaSuur, suur tänu Tiina, Arella ja Knitterfrei!
VastaKustutaI love how you did the border! Beautiful. I just finished this pattern in a read. I also did way fewer stitches on the border. I forgot to get a photo before giving it away!
VastaKustuta'Red' not read.