Minu poja lemmikraamatuks on Leo Leoni hiirelugude raamat, milles on jutt hiireke Frederikust, kes suve ajal päikesekiiri kogus, et siis talvel suvesoojust võtta oleks. Nende käpikute kudumise ajal meenus see lugu mulle ja mõtlesin, et soojal ajal villaste asjade kudumine on samuti otsekui päikese kogumine. Loodan, et mul õnnestus natukenegi päikesekiiri ridade vahele põimida.
Esimene paar on kootud juba sellest postitusest tuttava kindamustri järgi. Randme osas tegin mustris muudatusi. Kudusin need vardaga 2.25 mm Drops Alpaca lõngast. See oli mu esimene kokkupuude selle lõngaga ja olen väga rahul. Lõpuks ometi leidsin lõnga, millest kirikindaid kududa, nii et kasutan seda kindlasti veel.
Teinegi paar on kootud Drops Alpacast ja 2.25 varrastega. Mustrid on pärit raamatust Rauma selbustrikk. Ma ei järginud päris ühte mustrit, kombineerisin endale meeldivamad kokku. See suur lill kuulub küll originaalis meestekindale, aga minu arvates sobis ka naistekinda peale.
Kinnaste pöidlad teiselt poolt:
My son's favorite book are the mouse stories by Leo Leoni. There is a cute tale about the mouse Frederick, who was collecting sunshine during the summer, explaining that then he has sun in winter. I was thinking about that story while knitting these mittens and thought that knitting wool items during the warm days is also kind of sun collecting. I hope that I could catch some into my knits.
Maybe you recognize the pattern of the first mittens - I used it in this sweater. These mittens are knitted with 1US from Drops Alpaca. It was my first time to use this yarn and I will use it again for sure. It is perfect for mittens like this.
The second pair is also knitted from Drops Alpaca, with needles 1US. Patterns are taken from Rauma selbustrikk. I chose and combined the favorite ones. The big flower pattern is originally part of man's mitten but in my opinion fits also to woman's one. The thumb looks the same on the other side.
The second pair is also knitted from Drops Alpaca, with needles 1US. Patterns are taken from Rauma selbustrikk. I chose and combined the favorite ones. The big flower pattern is originally part of man's mitten but in my opinion fits also to woman's one. The thumb looks the same on the other side.