Lõpuks sain minagi oma Ruby valmis.
Joan McGowan-Michael Ruby, kudusin suuruse rinnaümbermõõdule 39 1/2'.
Lõng: Berroco Vintage (50% Acrylic, 40% Wool, 10% Nylon), kulus 6 tokki. Väga mõnus ja pehme lõng, hea kududa ning harutada (isegi peale mitmekordset harutamist nägi hea välja).
Ravelrys kommentaare lugedes, tundub mulle, et selle mustri puhul on inimestelt vastakaid reaktsioone. Osadel tuli kampsun mängleva kergusega välja ning teised, kellel oli mässamist rohkem. Mina kuulusin kahjuks teise gruppi. Tegin küll proovilapi, kuid kududes selgus, et käeaugud tulid liiga laiad ja varruka ülemine osa liiga lühike. Ühte siis pikendasin ning teist vähendasin. Seljaosa kahandused tegin samuti mustrist erinevad, esitükile sarnased. Välja arvatud see harutamine ja arvestamine, oli väga hea kudumine.
Järgmine palmikutega kampsun on juba plaani võetud ja see ei tule punane!
I am finally done with my Ruby!
Yarn: Berroco Vintage (50% Acrylic, 40% Wool, 10% Nylon), used 6 skeins. It is very soft, nice to knit and survived all the frogging (and I did that a lot).
Needles: US 6 and 4
In Ravelry seems that there are opposite reactions to this pattern. Some say that they didn't have any problems and others did. I belong to the ones who did. Although I checked the gauge, were the armholes too big and sleeves to short, had to frog and recalculate and re-knit a lot. I also changed the decreases on back to fit the front part. Except these difficulties I would agree that it was very pleasant knitting experience.
I already have next cabled cardigan in plan and it will not be red!
Kuduralli alguses olid mul valmis kehaosa tükid, panus selle kudumiga 19 920 silmust.
I had back and front pieces done at the beginning of knitting race. My contribution with this project is 19 920 stitches.
Ilusat advendiaega ja kohtumiseni!
Have a nice holidays and until next time!