18. okt 2015

Salvrätikutehnikas kast / Decoupage Chest

Ma pole enam aastaid midagi salvrätikutehnikas teinud, kuid seda kasti käsitööpoes nähes, tuli tahtmine uuesti proovida. Ütlen ausalt, et tulemus pole päris see, mida tahtsin. Tagantjärele mõeldes tegin esimese vea selles, et jätsin puidu liivapaberiga lihvimata. Kast näis ühtlane, kuid värvides tulid vead välja.

Lootes kumerused positiivseks keerata, katsin kasti nö. vanandava (crackle) lakikihiga, kuid panin (vist) liiga õhukese kihi, sest seda pragunemist pole nii palju näha, kui lootsin. Hästi vaadates on, näiteks allpool olevast lillest paremal. Ma pole kindel, kas uuesti katmine asja parandaks ja seepärast jätan nii nagu on.
Lõpetuseks, mina pole küll rahul, aga tütar oli rõõmus, et sai enda asjadele uue lillelise kasti ja see ongi asja juures põhiline.

I have not used decoupage technique for years, but wanted to try it again when I saw this wood chest in the craft store. Let me be honest with you, it did not come out as I hoped. My first mistake was not to sand the chest before as the wood seemed smooth but the flaws came out while painting. 
So, I hoped to make it better with crackle finish, which should have given an old look but you can't see the effect that much. If you look bit on the right side of the flower on the second picture, then this is how it shows. Maybe I should have put a thicker layer of finish but I will not reapply for now and leave the chest as it is. 
So, although I may not be happy with the result, my daughter was very exited to get new box for her stuff and that the most important thing. 

Ilusat sügist!
Enjoy the fall!

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