8. nov 2021

Oven "Siil lilledega" / Cross Stitch Kit by Oven "Nature's Wonder"

"Nature's Wonder" on vene firma Oven tikkimiskomplekt. Kasutasin pakis olnud niite ja tegin täpselt mustri järgi, ainult tikkimisriide vahetasin välja. Originaalis pidanuks pilt olema valgel Aida kangal, aga minu arvates sobis linane hoopis paremini. Pilt tuli nii armas, et vääris ka professionaalset raamimist.

This is a kit by Oven "Nature's Wonder" (963). I used kit flosses but not the fabric. It was meant to be on white Aida but natural colored linen fits better, I think. Otherwise I followed the pattern to the dot and enjoyed the process a lot. Final result was so cute that I got it professionally framed as well.

Järgmise korrani!
Until next time!

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