3. juuni 2020

Väike pilt / Small Design

Seoses koroonaviirusega ning sunnitud kodusolemisega avaldasid mitmed ristpistemustrite disainerid tasuta mustreid. Valik on tohutu, kuid alustasin oma lemmiku Madame Chantilly loomingust, sest mis oleks toredam kui üks raamatute juures mõnulev siilike.
Tikkisin DMC niitidega isevärvitud Aida peale. Originaalis olid raamatute kõrval mulineetokid. Mängisin mõttega, et lisan ka lõngakera ning vardad, sest mulle meeldib nii lugeda, tikkida kui kududa, kuid otsustasin jääda vaid raamatute juurde. Minu arvates on nii kenam.

This is freebie design of Madame Chantilly to lift the spirits of stitchers while under stay-at-home order. Stitched on 18ct Aida which I tea-coffee dyed myself with DMC threads. 
If you would compare it with the original then you would notice that I left out some details and changed the color of one book. I was actually planning to stich the design as it was intended and just add ball of yarn with knitting needles poking out as I love read, stich and knit but then decided to omit floss and leave just the books. Looks better like this I think. 

Olge terved ja nautige suve!
Stay safe and healthy! 

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