14. nov 2017

Sinine beebitekk / Blue Baby Blanket

Tegelikult polnud see beebitekk mul üldse plaanis, tahtmist polnud ja mõte ka ei liikunud, kuid oktoobri alguses Eestist tagasi jõudes olin indu täis ja kui leidsin kodust ka sobiva helesinise toki lõnga (Lion Brand Yarn "Pound of Love", 106 Pastel Blue), siis otsustasin pihta hakata. Seadsin omale kaks eeltingimust - esiteks tahtsin heegeldada ja teiseks pidin olemasoleva lõngaga välja tulema. Loomulikult poleks lõnga juurde ostmine mingi probleem olnud, aga teate ju küll, kui raske on poest vaid vajamineva ühe tokiga välja tulla.

Mustriks võtsin ühest hiina mustriraamatust lihtsa motiivi ning, et asi huvitavam oleks, heegeldasin keskele ruudu. Kuna ma lõngapoodi ei tahtnud minna, siis lõppkokkuvõttes heegeldasin tekki kaks korda. Esimesel korral olin juba põhiosaga lõpusirgel, kui selgus, et nii jätkates tuleb ikkagi lõngast puudu. Egas midagi, harutasin üles, vähendasin korduste arvu 14lt 12le ja tegin uuesti. Ükski äärepitsi katsetus ei meeldinud mulle ja nii otsustasin lihtsalt serva ja väikeste nuppude kasuks. Suuruseks u. 98cm x 98cm. Terve teki pilt on tehtud vahetult pärast lõpetamist, lõngaotsadki on veel näha, kuid panin selle siiski üles, sest mul ei õnnestunud saada ühtegi ilusamat pilti. Tekk läks mehe kolleegi perele kingituseks.

To be honest, I was not planning to make any baby blankets, was not in the mood nor had any ideas regarding the patterns. But my trip to Estonia in September gave me such a boost of energy that I suddenly wanted to do it and even found the fitting blue yarn from my own stash (Lion Brand Yarn "Pound of Love", 106 Pastel Blue). I wanted it to be crocheted and only use that one big skein of yarn I already had. It wouldn't have been difficult to go and by more yarn, but you know how it is when you let a yarn addict to go to yarnshop. It never ends well (read with just one skein). 

The pattern is from a Chinese pattern book and was easy enough to remember. My plan was to crochet a square to the middle and finish the blanket with a nice lace. As you may notice from the pictures, it didn't go exactly as planned. The original blanket had 14 pattern repeats but I realized that there wouldn't be enough yarn for the lace, so, I frogged it, reduced the repeats to 12, added the same pattern to the edge and ended it with little knots. The first picture shows the blanket right after finishing, wouldn't have added it to the blog but it was the only nice picture of complete blanket. Finished size 98cm x 98 cm. 

Muudest projektidest - eelnevas postituses olnud pitssall edeneb ja Vesperi puhul on jäänud vaid koera sabast ülesaamine, st lõpetamine. Novembri alguses taasarmusin ristpistesse ning varsti tuleb ka selleteemaline postitus.

Update on other projects. The Vesper which was featured in a previous post is almost done. Thanks to the floss-tube, I re-discovered my love for cross stitch at the beginning of November and there will be separate post regarding my old and new stitching projects.